Gardening Group

Our gardening group has been disbanded, any garden visits and similar activities will now be organised by our events team..


Congratulations to the gardening group for receiving highly commended for their community garden which was entered into the Saddleworth In Bloom 2022 competition.

Members from the gardening group attended the award ceremony on Tuesday 13th September at Uppermill Civic Centre to receive their certificate, presented by Saddleworth Parish Councillor Pam Byrne.  Well done to all involved.

Also,  receiving awards for their own gardens were Jean Phillips, who was the winner of the small garden category, and Karen Spelman who received highly commended in the same category.  Well done ladies!

to plant up WI planters at the Parish Centre as part of INCREDIBLE EDIBLE. Think lettuce and herbs in small pockets around planters, then peas, onions and beetroot in the main planter. We have already planted a gooseberry bush and a currant bush, so would like to to add rhubarb and raspberry canes. All experimental so any advice/knowledge is always welcome and donations of any fruit and veg cuttings/ seedlings/ seeds etc would be much appreciated.

We would like members to think about sharing their garden and knowledge with others by having an open garden. All sizes of garden, big and small, manicured and informal are all a pleasure to see. As it’s always weather dependent and everybody’s garden blossoms at a different time we thought the best way to do this is by invitation through the Gardening Group Whatsapp. Everyone is welcome to join in even if you don’t want to open your garden.

Christmas Wreath Making

It was certainly cold outside on the evening of the recent wreath making event at the Parish Centre but a warm cheery atmosphere was waiting inside as we all embraced the festive spirit. Greenery and decorations were a plenty and creativity flowed along with a sharing of skills so everyone produced a wreath to be proud to hang on anyone’s door! Give yourself a round of applause ladies you deserve it ! Check out the pictures – you’ll be impressed!

Bug House Building

A fun morning building Bug Houses at the Incredible Edible site. 

Flower arranging group at Friezland Church Hall

Location: Friezland Church Hall, Church Road, OL3 7LQ. Parking available.
When: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm
Cost: £6.00 entrance plus £1.00 raffle with the chance of winning a floral arrangement made during the evening. Membership fees are being waived for this year.

The Flower arranging group at Friezland Church Hall invite WI members to join them for a flower demonstration accompanied by tea and biscuits. This is a social occasion as well. If you love growing flowers and want to display them to maximum effect this is a good opportunity to see how its done.


The Incredible Edible project is an urban gardening project which was started in 2008 by Pamela Warhurst, Mary Clear and a group of like-minded people in Todmorden, West Yorkshire. The project aims to bring people together through actions around local food, helping to change behaviour towards the environment and to build a kinder and more resilient world.

The local Incredible Edible scheme is growing. The Gardening Group spent a morning in the rain breaking up old pallets and constructing our very own WI planter to be filled with edible plants. Some very happy faces and some real fun was had amidst much banging, sawing, chatting and tea drinking! Please pop along and see for yourself everyone’s efforts so far. The group mainly meet on Sat morning 10-12, the area is open for visits anytime. Old School courtyard in Lee Street, Uppermill.


Garden visits took place with Pauline and Jean being hostesses in June and July 2021. Early in July Jean welcomed some members to an afternoon in her garden. The weather was gorgeous and they enjoyed tea and scones. It was some of the more unusual items used as planters and stands that gave the most inspiration. More hostesses are needed please. Anyone wishing to host a small group in their garden please let us know via WhatsApp. Everyone loves a chance to chat about their garden and exchange ideas!


Friends of Saddleworth Museum launched a public charity appeal for Saddleworth residents to grow seedlings to be sold for the museum funds. 
There were over a hundred plants donated by our members, some of which are pictured here.