Saddleworth WI welcomes members to join us for interesting speakers, demonstrations, discussions, social events, quizzes and trips.
We are a vibrant and active group and members can choose to participate in any subgroups that match their interests.
Our current groups are the Book Group, Craft Group, Lunch Group, Photo Group, Social Group and our popular Walking Group.
Our focus is on our members and helping friendships grow through shared activities.

Saddleworth WI has pledged action to include and support autistic women and women with ADHD
Run by women like you for women like you!
Our members meet on the first Wednesday of the month at Boarshurst Band Club, Greenbridge Lane, Greenfield OL3 7EW. We open from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start and we finish around 9.30pm. We usually have a speaker then after our refreshment break we talk about forthcoming events and activities and have social time.
Speakers booked for 2025 are on our Meetings Programme page
See our Forthcoming Events on the Workshops, Events & Trips page.
Due to the capacity of the venue where we hold our monthly meetings and associated health and safety concerns, we have had to cap our membership numbers and are therefore now not accepting visitors or any further requests to be added to the waiting list. Details of other WI branches can be found at the https://www.thewi.org.uk. Any members wishing to enquire about guest visitors should contact the membership coordinator before attending a meeting. This can be done by emailing [email protected]
MEMBERS: Take a look at our Members’ Zone where you will find a variety of useful forms and information to download.
“I love this branch of WI.
The ladies are friendly, warm and full of fun.”
The Lancashire Federation organises many events which may be of interest to Saddleworth WI members. Click to view details of the LFWI.
Saddleworth WI are in the latest edition of Saddleworth Monthly.
“It is a pleasure to be part of this warm and welcoming WI group“